High Quallity
we become part of your bussines
Planning and programming precede other educational functions, because all of the individual activities (organization, management, and control) aim at achieving the goals set by planning.
“Planning” refers to the general conception of the goals of a future endeavor. The action plan outlines the main frameworks of the course and evolution of the educational process.
“Programming” refers to the general framework of activity or to the whole set of actions and means of preparing, implementing and adapting alternative action plans. The objectives, methods and means of action, as well as the place and time of execution of each type of work, are fully and in detail pre-programmed.
Programming and planning
- are the primary and primary function of the educational process
- is a complex intellectual process that sets the direction for the company to follow as well as standards that facilitate control
- It involves deciding between alternatives for a future course of action
- aims primarily to help company members and customers work harmoniously without duplication of action and waste of time and thus achieve the best possible result
In conclusion, the function of planning and programming has become an indispensable tool for executives of modern organizations, because obviously, it has a lot of positive elements stemming from goal setting, concerted effort, duplication reductions, unnecessary actions and of course omissions.
Properly identifying needs and assessing the capabilities and capabilities of your executives to objectively identify the areas that need improvement are essential steps before any training or development activity.
In our company we recognize the training and development needs of your company’s human resources, define appropriate – team or personalized – training and leadership programs, design realistic development plans, and improve the performance and loyalty of your people.
As a result, our company can design tailor-made training programs and personalized career development plans for executives to maximize their potential, maximize their performance and commitment to the company.
Our company can organize training seminars on various technical issues:
- mechanical
- urban planning
- manufacturing
- environmental
- naval
- topographical
- legal
- financial
- hygiene
- security
- organizational and management
- dangerous transports (ADR)
Our company «ROTSKOS & PARTNERS» can organize training seminars for every field in which they are involved in any suitable way:
- Mechanical Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Environmentalists
- Naval engineers
- Surveyors
- Lawyers
- Economists
- Business managers
- ADR consultants
- Hygiene consultants
- Safety consultants
The trainers involved are well-qualified for their knowledge and their training abilities. They are also distinguished for their experience in their field, as well as for their communication skills and expertise, which makes them perfectly capable of managing even the most demanding audience.
Our company «ROTSKOS & PARTNERS» in cooperation with clients can create the appropriate training material based on the specific needs of the trainees, emphasizing the issues that they are most concerned in, as well as their requirements and their specialized needs.
Also, we can create the appropriate audio visual material to make the training not only understandable but interesting, so that the listener can assimilate the material better with the use of any suitable method (video, live streaming presentations etc.).
Our company «ROTSKOS & PARTNERS» aiming to provide the best educational services, is in constant cooperation with educational centers, institutions and institutions of domestic and abroad.
Also, we are capable of organizing educational seminars under the auspices of municipalities, universities, IEK, EPAL, EPAS, research centers and institutions abroad, or use their educational material after obtaining the relevant permission, in the interest of our clients’ educational needs.